Dear comrades,

Recently, the important role of social press and social media has been mentioned in every mass activity and every uprising.

What is the technology that makes this press style, this mode of communication possible?

This technology is microchips.

Microchips are the technology that makes social media possible. They are also, and hand in hand with the historical background of the entire industry, a technology that makes possible the full automation of production, the full automation of the distribution of everything produced, the automation of transport, of communication – social media is part of this. They are therefore a technology that enables complete abundance in all aspects of life; the highest level of information resources and education can be made available to all individuals. Health services and sports facilities as well. The time and opportunities that individuals need for all these can be created easily. Everything necessary for abundance on earth has become possible thanks to microchips, electrification and mechanization.

While we have the opportunity to produce everything with the most modern techniques and abundantly and automatically, we hear that in today’s world our people who produce with the most backward means of production and tools are being crushed in collapsing mines, collapsing factories, and burning in ateliers whose windows and doors are locked with iron bars. In the fields, the farmers are forced to produce with the wooden plow, people drink water from the rain water accumulated in the muddy pits, and they die from hunger, disease and hard working conditions.

In other words, imperialist capitalism produces and distributes with the most backward techniques under the conditions where automatic production and distribution opportunities exist with the most progressive techniques in the world. In other words, imperialist capitalism is not a symbol of efficiency in production, but of inefficiency in production. It represents inefficiency rather than efficiency in production, backwardness, not progress, and this is a phenomenon that can be easily seen by anyone who has not been blinded by bourgeois prejudices. Take a look at the production style and production possibilities offered to humanity by the gentlemen who rule the world in the age of microchips, in the age of automation. If this isn’t a scam, what is? What is this if not the brunt of reaction? The bourgeois present and represent the backward, not the forward. At a time when abundance on earth is a well-known possibility, imperial capitalism offers people poverty. Communism is the only social power that will enable efficiency in production, automation in production, and therefore abundance on earth, and it is the only social power that can use the possibilities of microchips for the benefit of society.

Those who are like this in production are the same in politics. They talk of democracy, but the social media enabled by microchips, that is, the possibility of automatic and widespread communication, the opportunity to collect information widely and present this collected information to all individuals, all point to a new stage in democracy. All of these point to the active and direct participation of every citizen in democracy, all of these point to direct democracy. But what are the bourgeois doing? Under the conditions of and if they do not throw away the parliamentary representative democracy, they screw down to the parliamentary representative democracy. They don’t even want to hear about the direct democracy made possible by the Internet. They are trying to kill direct democracy before it is born. To fulfill this task, they find supporters on both their right and left sides. In other words, they represent that so called supporters of democracy who are the actual enemies of democracy, and they represent not the spread of democracy, not the spread of active participatory democratic activity in the ranks of the people, but its restriction. They represent not the advancement of democracy, but its solidification as it is and indeed its regression. Communists are the only defenders of promoting democracy, spreading democracy far and wide, transforming democracy into a democracy of the people that survive thanks to the active participation of all individuals, communists are the only defenders of direct democracy of the people.

Those who can do nothing but wage war against their own nation and their own citizens besides the war between nations are the bourgeois, those who declare war propaganda and war making crimes against humanity are communists. The only ones whose words and deeds are one and same are the communists who openly declare that giving freedom of speech to the blood thirsty fascists and Nazis means enmity to democracy and to humanity while those who give them freedom of speech and thus fight against democracy and humanity are the bourgeois.

It is for this and many other reasons that the rebuilding of communism presents itself as an obvious necessity. All our attention should be focused on the fulfillment of this task. Communism must be rebuilt, all democrats, all peace lovers, all revolutionaries, all leftists, all who love the people must be organized around communists as a direct democratic central force representing the most productive and abundant production, the most advanced democracy and the active participation of every individual. They must realize direct democracy and the fully automatic production that corresponds to it.

The future is bright. It is a temporary situation that the path drawn by microchips is closed by reactionary imperialist capitalism, and the world illuminated by microchips is darkened by reactionaries who have waged war against microchips and direct democracy. What is certain is that the future is bright. In the future, there is automated production, abundance, and direct democracy built by communist-led workers and the people, made possible by microchips.

We are on this road, we will win the workers to this road. It is impossible to proceed outside of this path, to reach scientific socialism apart from this path.