2024 Elections in Britain and DD(C)P

Dear comrades

Please see our program and leaflets that directs our policies below.

We are calling upon you to take part in the elections under the banner of DDCP.

If you agree with the program and the leaflets you can declare yourselves member of the party and write to us to obtain our permission to take part in the election under the DDCP banner.

We have this experience of taking part in local elections in cooperation with IWCA where one of the persons would go out of his way to encourage us to use violence against our Tory opponents. We of course refused. And he of course turned out to be a police officer- some of our police officers are like that, they love engaging in criminal activities and encouraging our people to engage in criminal activities. Every police officer should desist-for that is a criminal offence.

We also have this experience of working within Socialist Labour Party. Party was set up by comrade Scargill To the Trots comrade Scargill was a Stalinist, thus SLP as his party was a Stalinist party; thus a party that need be destroyed. SLP was open to all. Thus all sorts of Trots became member but not to make a success of SLP as a Scargill party, but to destroy it from within. By now, having put their plan into operation, almost all of the open Trots left the SLP. The same goes for Anarchist-who are opposed to not only Stalinism but to organisation as such-thus it is clear why they join any party-to destroy it from within.

Furthermore we are right now a very small party and we are opining our doors to all-we hope that comrades who study our program agree with it and thus join us from all around our country because they want to bring to life our program. But it would be right to be cautious:

Police officers may join us and put their name forward for elections-and we are in no position to detect them and thus to stop them-we would say welcome comrade. And they may act against the law and declare that it is our party that did so. This must not be allowed. Their anti-party and criminal activity must clearly be their own and our party must not be made a party to those criminal activities.

Take note, we are not even bothered with the political actions and views that would be contrary to the party’s actions and views-so long as they are not criminal in accordance with the laws of our nation. That is truly the least of our worries. If a person undertake to defend a program but goes ahead and do something else, he/she will not be considered an honest person anyway.

All these are valid in a different way for the Trot and Anarco comrades. If you agree with our program and with the fact that we are indeed Stalin’s sons and daughters, and you do not mind that please join us. And try and correct you politics. But if you are joining us with the purpose of infiltration and destruction from within please do not do this. If you do, please do not engage in any criminal activity in the fashion of the above mentioned police officers. We will simply say that. If a person undertake to defend a program but goes ahead and do something else, he/she will not be considered an honest person anyway.

If you are not honest to your comrades, to the workers of these lands, to our people to our nations, to our country you will be put aside sooner or later by your comrades, by the workers of these lands, by our people by our nations, by our country.

Comrades of the left

Comrades of the Trade Unions

All honest people of our lands

Let us join hand and mechanise, electrify and computerise this country of ours. Let us achieve abundance.

Let us join hand and mechanise, electrify and computerise this country of ours. Let us achieve direct democracy.

Let us join hand and mechanise, electrify and computerise this country of ours. Let us achieve 4 hours work; 4 hours administration of the state; 8 hours rest and 8 hours leisure; education and sport.

Let us join hand. Let us have abundance. Let us achieve direct democracy. Let us administer our state ourselves! Let us put an end to wars-bring peace to world!